Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jake's 2010 Year in Review Post!!!

In what has become a tradition of mine, I sit at the computer and type out a review of my past year. I'm gonna take the easy way out this year and share some of my favorite entry's from this blog I wrote over the past year. They're ranked in no particular order. Click the italicised titles to visit the actual post.

1) Welcome to Hell--I've done the HHH the past 4 years, and every year people ask me "what's it like?" This post was a way of answering that question, although you can't know what it truly is like unless you are there pedaling over that scalding tarmac.

2) The Great Taylor Family Excursion to WI Dells!!! --We decided we needed to take a trip as a family, just the 3 of us. Between Elli and I we threw up 4 times and I hurt my back. Dav didn't seem to notice.

3) Just be the better person--Age old debate between cyclists and motorists. I was pleased with the response from people saying that they would take my advice on this one. That's all I wanted from this post.

4) Bragging Rights--Easily one of my favorite stories to tell, and arguably one of Elli's biggest accomplishments.

5) The 5 stages of pancake eating (according to Daven) --Daven has lots of funny mannerisms. He doesn't get as worked up over pancakes these days, but when he did it was a sight to behold.

6) Snap, Crackle, Pop! --This year I made my highly anticipated return to deer hunting. And like most of my hunting excursions, I returned empty handed. But I think I managed to make the situation funny.

7) The Doctor will not be seeing you today--Although I wish it all turned out a different way, this to me is my best writing to date. This experience helped put what I had into focus, and also close friends shared kind words that otherwise I may not have ever gotten to hear. I sometimes find myself rereading this post and thinking of those words, and rather than getting all upset over it I'm smiling instead.

2010 was a eventful year. And it was a good year. It's nice to be able to constantly say that "this year was a good year." I've gotten to say that about the past handful of them. We watched Daven turn from a toddler into little boy (although if you call him such, he will profoundly exclaim that he isn't a little boy, he's "Daven!"), we learned that Elli was pregnant again, some friends got married, some others had kids, both Elli and my Mom celebrated academic achievements, I became an Uncle for the first time, and finally, after 3 failures, accomplished my goal of finishing the HHH bike ride. Not too shabby of a year indeed.

From my family to yours, Happy New Year! I hope you can look back with good vibes from the last year, and I look forward to seeing what 2011 has in stock for me.

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