Friday, November 27, 2009

Snooze button? Or new electric juicer?

I like deals. And I have gone out on "Black Friday" on two separate occassions. But both of those times involved just one store, looking for one specific thing.

I don't like crowds. I HATE stupid people. The day after Thanksgiving shopping extravaganzas seem to attract both of the above.

But today I ran up to Fleet Farm to just see if anything was left of their hunting supplies (around 11am, well after the door buster deals). And when I parked my truck in a space far far in the corner, I looked over and saw a sight: two ladies, happily chatting and laughing away, eating sandwiches. Apparently people pack lunches now so that they don't have to stop between stores.

I have fished when there were 4 foot rolling waves in a 17 foot aluminum boat. I have ice fished when it was almost 70 below zero. I have duck hunted in driving blizzards. I have skied when it was 50 below. And I have tried to go piece for piece at the all you can eat sushi bar against Elli. But you people that go out in this madness of shopping, I'm left thinking YOU are the crazy ones!

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